HKH represented Huge American Real Estate, the defendant, in this case after it had already gone from bankruptcy to pending litigation. The plaintiff, Fritz Management, sued HKH and demanded over $4 Million in damages. After years of working the case, HKH was able to build a compelling argument that resulted in not only zeroing out the plaintiff’s suit, but additionally securing a $1.8M victory for the defendant.
This case was challenging because not only did HKH represent the defendant, the overall timeline was elongated due to it being in pending litigation stemming from pending litigation.
Since the case had already been in pending litigation for years before HKH took it over, the approach to the timeline was vital to getting up to speed on all the details to then move the case forward.
Years of transactions required extensive review to help build the narrative of the defense in the case.
A key part to the success of a jury trial is presenting a single fact that is easy to comprehend that clearly defines the injustice in the case. HKH worked extensively to ensure that was defined before the jury trial began.
After award of summary judgment by the Court and a jury trial, the result was a take no judgment on the plaintiff’s claims, and the defendant was awarded almost $1.8 Million. A solid victory for the firm.
Reach out to us anytime and we will happily assist. We can meet via Zoom or in person. Call to schedule a consultation today.
Call: 972-731-6500 Mon – Fri 8 to 5